A few of the horses StarWest has sold over the years.
Agathon JP - 2005 KWPN Gelding • 16 hh
(Jazz x Fiana - Sultan)
Amador - 2002 Holsteiner Gelding • 16.2 1/2hh
(Aljano x My Girl II by Coriano)
Amador has shown Fourth Level with scores above 70% and is ready to show PSG with talent for more. Amador has elastic, uphill movement with a lot of ring presence. He would make an ideal Jr/Yr horse, especially well suited for NAJRC or NAYRC riders. Amador would also make a good horse for a competitive amateur. Wonderful temperament and very nice, easy to ride. Sound, healthy, no vices.
Apache JP at his first show
Apache JP - 2005 KWPN Gelding • 16.2 hh
(Contango x Fiana - Sultan)
Avenger JP - 2005 KWPN Gelding • 16.1 hh
(Sir Sinclair x Razz Ma Tazz by Jazz)
Avenger JP aka "Alfie" is a lovely horse that has shown through Fourth level with his amateur owner. He has a strong show record starting with scores consistently over 70%. He has been developed by an amateur rider with professional help up the levels and has a fun, kind disposition. His size and rideability make him ideally suited for amateur and junior riders. He's easy to sit and easy on the bit.
Baylyn SW - 2011 Swedish Warmblood Mare • 16.1 hh
(Bayron x Opal by Opus)
Baylyn is a very kind, brave, and beautiful mare. She has been shown Training Level (scores to 75%) and First Level (scores to 71%) and is schooling Second Level. "Baby" is well mannered on the ground and under saddle, good at shows, enjoys trail rides and field riding, cavaletti, low jumping, and being groomed. In addition to a professional education, she has also been ridden by amateur and junior riders.
Cinnamon - 2002 KWPN Mare • 15.3hh
(Contucci x Giselle by Graf Goetz)
Devo JP - 2008 KPWN Gelding • 16.1hh
(Rousseau x Sologne by Sandro Hit)
Dominick - 2008 KWPN Eligible Gelding • 18hh
(Rousseau x Beyondwatch by Batido)
Dominick is a beautiful, kind, willing, and elegant gelding with naturally elastic, supple, and uphill movement. Dominick has attended one dressage show scoring in the mid–60s at Training Level his first time out. Sensible without being too dull Dominick will make a lovely horse to develop in sport for a professional or amateur rider. Enjoys hacking out. Direct from breeder.
Eisenhower JP - 2009 KWPN • 17.3hh
(Jazz x Liana Keur - Ramiro)
Eisenhower JP's show record at StarWest spanned from Training Level through Second Level. In that time he scored only once below 70% in his first time down centerline.
Elo JP - 2009 KWPN Gelding • 16.1hh
(Sir Sinclair x Sologne by Sandro Hit)
Elo JP is a beautiful, kind 2009 KWPN gelding by Sir Sinclair. His elastic, light movement, sweet temperament and “10” rideability make him a true joy to train. Wonderful combination of forward thinking, absolutely willing, quiet, and very brave make him a young prospect suitable for Amateurs and Juniors as well as professional riders to develop.
Elo attended his first show where he scored 76.5 in Materiale and 69 – 72% at Training Level.
Elo JP at his first show
Elo JP at his first show
Endeavor - 2009 KWPN Gelding • 16.3 hh
(Armani x Ulinda M by Gribaldi)
Etienne JP - 2009 KWPN Gelding • 17hh
(Simsalabim x Liana Keur Mare by Ramiro)
"ET" is a sweet, kind horse who is very rideable and willing to work. He has shown through First level and shows talent and ability to move up. He will make a junior or amateur rider very happy with his good looks, sweet temperament and high rideability. Direct from breeder.
Fatinitza 24 - 2006 Wurtemburg Mare • 16.2hh
(Florencio I x Anakonda by Alabaster)
"Nitza" is a tremendously elegant mare with three good gaits and a naturally active hind leg. She has shows Second and Third Level with potential for more. Nitza is a forward thinking horse so would be best suited to a competent Amateur or Junior/Young Rider who enjoys a sensitive partner.
Fonzarelli - 2007 Oldenburg Gelding • 16.3 hh
(Fabuleux x Opal - Opus)
Freezzia TCF - 2010 KWPN Mare • 16hh
(Rousseau x Razz Ma Tazz KWPN ster mare by Jazz)
Freezzia is available for purchase directly from her breeder. She’s recently started under saddle and is absolutely a joy to train, sensitive and sensible.
Greystoke - 2005 Oldenburg Gelding • 16.3 hh
(Rosentanz x Ginger - Michelangelo)
2017 owned by Barry, Diane, & Jenna Upchurch; ridden by Jenna Upchurch
- #1 Ranked USEF Young Rider Combination
- NAJYRC Region 4 FEI Young Rider Team Member
2016 owned by Barry, Diane, & Jenna Upchurch; ridden by Jenna Upchurch
- #1 Ranked USEF Junior Combination
- NAJYRC Individual Gold Medalist
- NAYJRC Freestyle Gold Medalist
- NAJYRC Region 4 Team Silver Medalist
- AGCO/USEF Junior National Champion
- USEF Dressage Seat Medal Finals 3rd Place
2015 owned by StarWest; ridden by Martin Kuhn
- USDF Region 4 Championships Prix St Georges Open 4th Place - 67.895%
- USDF Region 4 Championships Fourth Level Open 5th Place - 69.611%
2013 owned by StarWest; ridden by Martin Kuhn
- USDF Region 4 Third Level Open Championship 3rd place - 70.577%
- USDF First Level Open National Championships 3rd place - 70.043%
- USDF Third Level Open Horse of the Year #6 - 71%
- USDF Third Level Open Horse of the Year #14 - 68%
2012 owned by StarWest; ridden by Martin Kuhn
- USDF Region 4 Champion Second Level Open
- USDF Horse of the Year Second Level Open #8 (71.370%)
- Oldenburg GOV All Breeds #3 Second Level Open
2011 owned by StarWest; ridden by Martin Kuhn
- USDF Horse of the Year #9 First Level (median score of 72.414%)
- USDF Horse of the Year #19 Training Level (median score of 73.518%)
- USDF Region 4 Championships Reserve Champion at First Level Open (score of 72.419%)
- USDF Region 4 Championships Reserve Champion at Training Level Open (score of 77.800%)
Ghinger Ale - 1999 Hanoverian Mare • 16.2hh
(Gold Luck x Alure)
Ghinger Ale is a kind, tolerant schoolmaster for an adult amateur to learn on. She has brought her current rider from First level through PSG and helped her rider earn her Bronze and Silver Medals. In 2015, she and her rider were USDF Region 4 Reserve Champions at Third Level and placed fourth in Fourth Level. She has scored up to 68% at PSG with her amateur rider. Qualified and finished fifth in the Third Level Freestyle AA in 2014 at the US Finals. Ghinger Ale is bombproof, totally reliable, and easy to handle both under saddle and on the ground. She's ready to bring her next rider up the levels. Goes in the snaffle or double.
Osado IV - Pura Raza Espanola Stallion • 16.2hh
(Urgel x Tara xx)
Rapson - 2010 Hanoverian Gelding • 16.2hh
(Rapture R x Wisteria by Warkanson)
Shown through Grand Prix with many successes along the way. Brave, confident horse that is the same at busy shows as at home in a quiet ring. Forgiving of rider mistakes and can be ridden by variety of levels of rider. Amateur and Junior/Young Rider friendly.
- 2019 US Regionals I2 Open Champion
- 2019 USEF Developing Grand Prix - 11th place
- 2018 USEF Developing PSG - 10th place
- 2016 US Finals Second Level Reserve Champion
Remus - 1998 KWPN Gelding • 17.3hh
(Argus x Jade STV by Uniform)
Rubinstar - 2002 Hannoverian Gelding • 18hh
(Rubin Royal x Lucia by Lauries Crusader)
Rubinstar is a stunning dapple bay imported Hanoverian gelding. Showing PSG with scores to 70% (won high point FEI his first time out at PSG). Consistently earning 70%+ at every level from Training through PSG. Schooling Intermediare 1 and Grand Prix movements. Sensitive, forward thinking, and very willing. Suitable for ambitious professional, amateur, or JR/Yr looking for a highly competitive horse.
Photo by Steve Todd Studio 131
Royal Flash - Hanoverian Stallion • 16.3hh
Sandeman - 2012 Hanoverian Gelding • 17hh
(Sir Donnerhall x Flora - Florencio/Landadel)
Well educated and schooling PSG with a big future for top sport. Super show record includes wins at Young Horse Championships, Regional Finals and US Finals. Full brother is competing internationally small tour with Dorothee Schneider.
He is suitable for professionals, capable amateur with good help, and would be ideally suited as a Jr/YR horse. Right sensitivity, athleticism, easy connection, and high rideability. A narrow and modern build makes him rideable by a shorter rider as well as tall.
Tebaldo - 2000 KWPN Gelding • 17.2hh
Shown through Prix St. George by a Junior rider and helping to earn both her USDF Bronze and Silver medals with consistently high scores from Training Level through Prix St. George. Goes in snaffle, hacks out, turns out, sound, healthy. Recently, Tebaldo helped another adult amateur up the levels to earn her Bronze Medal. Tebaldo is a reliable, very safe, highly competitive schoolmaster who is ready to help educate his next rider.
Zandreau JP
photo by Sharon Packer
Zandreau JP
photo credit: Terri Miller